The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati has joined hands with the Gifu University of Japan, as a part of the Indo-Japan collaboration on education. Both universities signed memorandums of understanding (MoUs) in March.In a discussion with , a representative from the Consulate-General of Japan in Mumbai emphasised, “Japan must improve its international compatibility of educational systems to meet global ones and ultimately enhance its international competitiveness from the standpoints of developing education, research, and human resources that can proactively contribute to the peace and prosperity of the world.” He also mentioned that to this end, Japan has, on the initiative of the Central Council for Education, discussed the necessity of an attractive mechanism enabling Japanese universities to create joint programmes and confer academic degrees jointly with universities in foreign countries with appropriate quality assurance of the degrees conferred and programmes offered.Long-term collaborationAccording to the representative, “Gifu University and IIT Guwahati have a history of collaboration dating back to 2010. In 2019, they launched joint degree programmes at the master's and doctoral levels in three fields, including the Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology.” This initiative aims to facilitate organised and continuous cooperation, including double degree (DD) and joint degree (JD) programmes, between Japanese universities and foreign countries.Elaborating on the objectives of these joint degree programmes, the representative referenced the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's guidelines, which aim to ensure the quality of degrees and programmes offered under such initiatives. These guidelines, though non-binding, serve as a framework for universities to design and implement joint degree programmes effectively.Benefits of this collaboration for student Speaking about the benefits for students participating in these programmes, the representative outlined several advantages. (i) Gaining advanced and value-added learning opportunities that could not be gained at a single university(ii) Demonstrating their predominance as a result of completing educational programmes provided jointly by higher educational institutions in more than one country(iii) Developing careers that are globally valued in the labour market and academic career(iv) Acquiring degrees in the names of more than one university in a shorter period possibly at a lower cost.Moreover, the representative noted the growth in university MOUs between Japan and India. He said, “MOUs have also been signed between Indian and Japanese universities to promote academic and other exchanges. The number of university MOUs between Japan and India has increased from 143 in 2011 to 722 in 2020.”Opportunity to earn certifications from both universitiesThis partnership has a combined programme that gives students the chance to obtain certificates from institutions in Japan and India. The representative presented a thorough approach in response to a question regarding the possible advantages for students concerning improving their worldwide competitiveness in the labour market. "As outlined in the 'Guidelines for Building International Joint Diploma Programs Including Double and Joint Degree Program,' both universities are committed to enhancing their international compatibility of educational systems," the representative stated. According to the representative, both universities will improve their international compatibility of educational systems to meet global ones. It will enhance its international competitiveness from the standpoints of developing education, research, and human resources that can proactively contribute to the peace and prosperity of the world.Furthermore, the representative also underscored that students studying at both universities in joint degree programmes will enhance their global competitiveness in the job market.

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